About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to strengthen families as the basic unit of society by providing parents with the best ideas, information, and principles available to help them become extraordinary parents rearing responsible adults. For over 21 years, we have been an advocate for parental rights in our community. 

What We Do

We provide parents with ideas, information, and principles each month to enhance their parenting attitudes, knowledge, and practices so they can grow from ordinary parents into extraordinary parents!

The Begin with the Children Parenting Program helps parents absorb applicable parenting skills, little by little, as their child grows up through our monthly, age-specific parent education materials.

Intentional, productive parents can change the dominant trend of American society away from hate and societal division toward peace, civility, and the Golden Rule.

Come—join our vision of America’s future with extraordinary parents!

Los Angeles 2008 Rotary International Convention Poster Image

Our Program is Unique

The United States and Canada are unique societies with many nationalities in their respective societal melting pots. Like the societies we serve, the Begin with the Children Parenting Program is unique in these ways:

1. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational institution. Begin with the Children’s Parenting Program runs from the prenatal period until your child graduates from high school. The course is free.

2. Our teaching system is synchronized with the Six Stages of Parenthood. Our “bite-sized,” straight-to-the-point lessons are gleaned and distilled from well-researched, published sources.

3. KinderKronicle provides monthly content including easy-to-read information pertinent to the age of your child. 

Los Angeles 2008 Rotary International Convention Poster Image

How We Do It

The Begin with the Children parenting program focuses on three research-based* principles:

1. Disseminating better information to enhance parental knowledge
2. Teaching parenting skills, and
3. Discussing healthy, productive parental attitudes

*National Academy of Medicine in Washington, D.C., Parenting Matters: Supporting Parents of Children Ages 0-8

Enroll in Begin with the Children

Parents expecting the birth of a child as well as parents of young children are welcome to enroll in our free monthly Begin with the Children program.

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