KinderKronicle Preview:
Interpretive Stage
Preview Month 61 and Month 84 of KinderKronicle
Month 61
Once parents have taken the time to “interpret [themselves] as parent[s],” the most important task of the Interpretive Stage becomes how to interpret the world to the children, meaning that parents need to decide “how they are going to interpret their children’s existence to them; what facts they want to share, what behavior,…manners, [and personal character traits] they want to teach, and what [family] values they want to impart.”1
Month 84
With today’s information overload, a 24-hour news cycle, and competing ideas on what values to prioritize, it can be hard to know what is right, what is important, and what you should do as a parent to help your child grow and learn and progress.
It’s enough to make a parent want to throw their hands up and check out mentally. But this would be a mistake.You are your child’s parent. You know your child best. Trust your instincts! Outside influences, such as school, sports teams, church classes, or other such activities can be great places to reinforce the noble values, character traits, and virtues you teach at home, as well as great places to gain knowledge and skills.
We like that the Program is simple and easy to use. I also appreciate the direct teaching ideas of how to be an effective parent. It is great to get a reminder of the principles each month in KinderKronicle. I really appreciate the assistance I have been given as a parent.